
2015/04/16 瀏覽次數:5 收藏

  The pilgrimage of Greek prime minister AlexisTsipras to Moscow told a tale of two tragedies. One,perilously close to the denouement, is aboutGreece’s uncertain place in the family of Europeannations; the other, still unfolding but with a storylinethat foretells a calamitous final act, is about thefuture not just of the euro but of Europeanintegration.

  希臘總理亞歷克西斯•齊普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)這次莫斯科之行報告了兩個慘劇故事。第一個是關於希臘在歐洲國度眾人庭中一發千鈞的位置,這個慘劇眼下正傷害地走向終局;第二個慘劇不但是關於歐元、並且是關於全部歐洲一體化的將來,只管這個慘劇尚在逐步睜開,然則故事脈絡已預示了一個災害性的終局。

  Predictably enough, the Greek prime minister was feted by Vladimir Putin. The Russianpresident’s revanchist aggression in Ukraine has left his regime more vulnerable than anyonein the Kremlin would dare admit. Mr Putin badly needs to weaken the EU sanctions regime.Shared Orthodox Christianity, an air of leftist nostalgia in Athens and, above all, Greece’sdesperate isolation make it an ideal target for Moscow’s strategy of divide and rule.

  不出所料,這位希臘總理遭到了弗拉基米爾•普京(Vladimir Putin)的盛意招待。這位俄羅斯總統對烏克蘭睜開的抨擊性進擊,導致其政權軟弱到了克裏姆林宮全部人都不敢認可的田地。普京急切須要減弱歐盟的制裁政府。配合的宗教崇奉——東正教(Orthodox Christianity),雅典氛圍中漫溢的左翼念舊主義,和最主要的——希臘今朝失望的伶仃狀況,使希臘成為了莫斯科分治之策的幻想目的。

  It is harder to see what Mr Tsipras gains beyond a few warm words to cheer his supporters athome. The promise of a gas pipeline years hence? Any aid on offer from Moscow would beminuscule relative to funds from the EU and the International Monetary Fund. There is nothingMr Putin could do that would make leaving the euro any less painful.


  The other day I heard Yanis Varoufakis explain how Greece had ended up here. The financeminister’s is a story fluently told — of US backing for the colonels, of the havoc wreaked onindustry by the free trade rules of the EU, of the Brussels funding that bankrolled clientelistpolitics in Athens and of how cheap euros created a ruinous bubble.

  有一天,我聽到了亞尼斯•瓦魯法基斯(Yanis Varoufakis)說明希臘是若何落到如斯田地的。在這位希臘財長口若懸河的報告中,這是一個關於美國曩昔支撐希臘軍當局、歐盟自由商業規矩致使產業大遭搗毀、歐盟的資金贊助了雅典的卵翼政治、和便宜的歐元是若何變成撲滅性泡沫的故事。

  There are elements of truth in this; and Mr Varoufakis is right when he says the present debtburden is unsustain­able. Missing from the narrative, though, is any sense that Greece mustmake its own choices. That, whatever the sins of others, only Athens can decide whetherGreece prospers as a modern democracy or whether it slips back into the shadows of theBalkans.


  The omission, and the implicit rebuke to outsiders who do not feel bound by ballots cast byGreeks, is at the heart of what so frustrates Athens’ partners. This is not just about theGermans, even if Wolfgang Schäuble, Berlin’s finance minister, foolishly lends credibility to theidea. Mr Tsipras is isolated among fellow debtors as much as creditors. What unites them is ademand that Athens produce a plausible plan to reform the Greek state — to modernise itsadministration and politics as much as its economy. Such a plan would transform the moodof negotiations.

  這類缺失、和對那些其實不以為本身遭到希臘投票約束的局外人的隱晦責備,才是如斯困擾希臘的火伴的題目焦點。受困擾的不單單是德國人,即使德國財長沃爾夫岡•朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Schäuble)愚昧地支撐這類設法主意。不管是在同命相連的債務國、照樣在債權人傍邊,齊普拉斯均遭到伶仃。讓他們聯結同等的是,他們都請求雅典出台一個可行籌劃來對希臘全部國度舉行改造——讓行政機制、政治和經濟實現當代化。如許的籌劃將會轉變全部會談的氣氛。

  Mr Putin’s preference is otherwise. A collapse in Greek living standards would leave it ripe forthe coercion and subversion that are Russia’s trademarks in an effort to expand its influenceand control in southeastern Europe. The Russian president already has Hungary’s primeminister Viktor Orban in his breast pocket. His agents are working hard — exploiting Russia’senergy monopoly, buying politicians, bribing officials and taking stakes in financial institutions— to promote instability across the Balkans.

  普京想要的便是另一回事了。希臘的生存程度一旦瓦解,將使之成為鉗制和推翻的適合工具——為了到達在歐洲東南部擴展影響力及增長掌握的目標,這是俄羅斯習用的手法。這位俄羅斯總統已把匈牙利的維克托•歐爾班(Viktor Orban)收入囊中。普京部下的間諜也在盡力在巴爾幹半島增長不穩固性——應用俄羅斯的能源把持、拉攏政客、行賄官員並在金融機構中投資入股。

  Yet talk to finance ministers and central bankers across the rest of Europe and the mood is oneof fatalism. They will tell you that the eurozone would withstand Greece’s departure. This isnot 2008, or even 2012, they say. Governments have put in place the mechanisms to deal withcrises. Some sound as if they believe that, freed from the vicissitudes of Greek politics, the eurowould be stronger in the long run.


  In a narrow sense they may be right, though I would not bet on it. But Greece is a distortingprism. Its sequential crises have bred complacency by distracting from the profoundstructural flaws and political challenges that still imperil the euro. Making monetary union workdemands more than proficient crisis management.


  Spring has seen a burst of sunshine in the European economy. The European Central Bank’squantitative easing is having an effect. Growth has picked up a little. Yet it is a delusion tothink that the euro is in Asafe harbour. Fiscal and financial union are at best half-completed, andthe political threat to the euro continues to grow.


  National politicians refuse to admit the supranational imperatives of the project they arepledged to safeguard. And a return to growth rates of 1 or even 2 per cent will not be enoughto restore the euro’s legitimacy among the angry voters who are turning to populistmovements of right and left.


  In 2012, European leaders defied the markets by summoning up the political resolve needed tosave the single currency. They have since lost the will to sustain it. Greece may not bring downthe euro; the existential threat lies in the more generalised failure of nerve and leadership.


  So it is, too, in the relationship with Moscow. The biggest danger to Europe comes not from theforays of Mr Putin’s rusting aircraft carrier, or his cold war-vintage nuclear bombers, or fromSoviet-style subversion in some of the darker corners of the continent.


  No, the real weakness lies in a European mindset that prefers to temporise and equivocatethan to confront Mr Putin head on. Mr Tsipras’s visit may have held up a mirror to Greece’stroubles. But it also offered a reflection of diffidence and division across Europe. If Greecedoes fall out of the euro it will also fall out of Europe. And the failure of the euro would mark thefailure of Europe. What unites these twin tragedies is the stubborn reluctance of the authorsto rewrite the endings.
