
2015/03/21 瀏覽次數:8 收藏

【美國留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/usa/) - 美國留學日誌&履歷】在大黌舍園探求安寧區的辦法




  The transition from high school to college can be difficult – a new place, a new school, a different model of education with different demands. For prospective international students who are similarly stepping outside of their comfort zone , Al-Helou and others have some tips for a smooth transition.


  1. Be patient and confident

  "Not only had I moved from one country to another, but I found myself in a whole new and very diverse community," Mohamed Nabil Najjar says.

  He says he felt lonely at first, but got some advice from a classmate. The classmate said not to worry, that it was a normal situation and that Najjar would soon make new friends.

  ​"Indeed, it is what happened,"​ Najjar says.

  1. 要有耐煩和自負心

  Mohamed Nabil Najjar說:“我不但是在一個分歧的國度進修,並且是在一個新的多樣化的情況當中。”他表現本身剛開端覺得很孤單,但從同窗那邊獲得了一些發起。誰人同窗對他說:“你不要擔憂,如今如許很正常,但你很快就會交到新同夥的。”“確切是如許的,我厥後交到許多好同夥”,Najjar說道。

  2. Find a mentor or counselor

  AUC requires all students to participate in its first-year experience program. Evans says this four-day orientation program helps freshmen adjust to university life by providing them with mentors and peer leaders. Anthony Gergess, dean of student affairs at the University of Balamand ​in Al Kurah, Lebanon, says mentorship programs are essential in helping students adapt to the shift in their life.

  2. 探求一個能幫忙本身辦理題目的導師

  AUC請求全部復活都加入第一學年的感受運動。Evans表現這個連續4天的運動能經由過程給大一復活分派導師來贊助他們順應校園生存。Balamand 大學的教務長Anthony Gergess表現,導師項目在贊助門生順應新生存的過程當中起著相當主要的感化。

  3. Get involved on campus:

  Adjusting to new social circles can be easier if students join a club or organization that allows them to connect over a larger purpose with broad groups of people. Gergess ​says that the best educational and personal experiences happen when students take an interest in the world around them. He recalls a student from Brazil of Lebanese descent who came to campus reluctantly and asked frequently about returning home – until she found her place. "She founded the Nutri Club with her friends and their first activity was about Brazilian food," says Gergess. "She is still at the university loving life in Lebanon and mainly her ancestors’ town, Tripoli. She always helps international students by sharing her personal experience with them." Being involved in the larger community, says Najjar, is a great way for students "to better understand themselves" and their new place in the world.

  3. 融入校園生存



