Faculty | Study Programme | Abbreviation |
修建學院Architecture | 修建學文學士 Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies |
BA(AS) |
修建文物掩護文學士 Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies |
BA(Conservation) | |
園境修建學 Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Studies |
BA(LS) | |
都會研討文學士 Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies |
BA(US) | |
理學士(丈量學) Bachelor of Science in Surveying |
文學院 Arts |
文學士 Bachelor of Arts |
BA |
文學士及教導學士(語文教導)–英文教導(五年制) Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - English (5 years) |
BA&BED(LangEd-Eng)-Eng | |
文學士及教導學士(語文教導)–中文教導(五年制) Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - Chinese (5 years) |
BA&BED(LangEd) -Chin |
文學士(文學研討)及法學士 Bachelor of Arts (Literary Studies) and Bachelor of Laws |
BA(Literary Studies)&LLB |
經濟及工商治理學院 Business and Economics |
經濟學學士/金融學學士/ 經濟金融學學士 Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Economics & Finance |
BEcon /BEcon&Fin |
工商治理學學士/工商治理學學士-管帳及財政 Bachelor of Business Administration/ Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance |
BBA/BBA(Acc&Fin) | |
工商治理學學士(資訊體系) Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Systems) |
BBA(IS) | |
工商治理學學士(法學) Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) |
BBA(LAW) | |
理學士(計量金融) Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance |
BSC(QFin) | |
工商治理學學士(國際貿易及全球治理) Bachelor of Business Administration (International Business and Global Management) |
牙醫學院 Dentistry |
牙醫學士(六年制) Bachelor of Dental Surgery (6 years) |
教導學院 Education |
文學士及教導學士(語文教導) –中文教導(五年制) Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education—Chinese (5 years) |
BA&BED(LangEd)-Chin |
文學士及教導學士(語文教導)–英文教導(五年制) Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education—English (5 years) |
BA&BED(LangEd)-Eng | |
理學士(言語及聽覺科學) (五年制) Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences (5 years) |
理學士(活動及康健) Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Health |
BSC(Exercise&Health) | |
教導學士及社會科學學士(五年制) Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Social Sciences (5 years) |
教導學士及理學士(五年制) Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science (5 years) |
工程學院 Engineering |
工學學士 Bachelor of Engineering |
工學學士(工學科學) Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering Science |
BENG(EngSc) | |
司法學院 Law |
法學士 Bachelor of Laws |
文學士(文學研討)及法學士 Bachelor of Arts (Literary Studies) and Bachelor of Laws |
BA(Literary Studies)&LLB | |
工商治理學學士(法學) Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) |
BBA(LAW) | |
社會科學學士(政治學與法學) Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws) |
BSS(GL) | |
醫學院 Medicine |
內外全科醫學士(六年制) Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (6 years) |
照顧護士學學士(五年制) Bachelor of Nursing (5 years) |
中醫全科學士(六年制) Bachelor of Chinese Medicine (6 years) |
BChinMed | |
藥劑學學士 Bachelor of Pharmacy |
Bpharm | |
生物醫學學士 Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences |
BBiomedSc | |
理學院 Science |
理學士 Bachelor of Science |
理學士(精算學) Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science |
BSC(AC) | |
教導學士及理學士(五年制) Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science (5 years) |
社會科學院 Social Sciences |
社會科學學士 Bachelor of Social Sciences |
社會事情學學士 Bachelor of Social Work |
BSW | |
社會科學學士(政治學與法學) Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws) |
BSS(GL) | |
消息學學士 Bachelor of Journalism |
BJ | |
教導學士及社會科學學士(五年制) Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Social Sciences (5 years) |