
2014/12/24 瀏覽次數:10 收藏

【 - 消息資訊】ACT測驗需知的5個新變更


  Beginning in 2015, the ACT will be available to select high schools in an online format. While the ACT has no current plans to eliminate its paper test, the online exam is an interesting new development incollege admissions testing.


  Here is a breakdown of some key things to expect in the online version:


  1. School-based administration: Although the ACT is billed as an online exam, it will only be available on approved computers located within schools – and eventually, at monitored testing facilities. In other words, you will not be able to complete the ACT from the comfort of your living room at home. Specific administration details are still being determined, including the possibility of multi-day testing when access to approved computers is limited.

  1. 黌舍治理:只管ACT將采用網上機考的模式,然則所用的電腦也是黌舍同意的,終極照樣受黌舍的監視掌握。ACT測驗不克不及在家裏完成,詳細的治理細節正在商討,假如裝備有限會采用多天測驗的情勢。

  2. Interactive elements: Prioritizing questions is a time-honored test-takeing technique. The computerized ACT will make this process even simpler with the option to mark a question for reconsideration at the end of a session.

  2. 采用互動:優先處置題目是久長以來構成的測驗技能。在線的ACT測驗會使得這一進程加倍簡化,可以給題目做上標誌在每部門的末端提示你從新想一遍。

  You will also be able to strike out individual answer responses for a given question, much as you might do on a paper exam. Unlike a paper test, however, you will not be forced to scan through a booklet searching for questions to review or complete, as the computer will simply call up a list of such questions.


  The largest potential issue for students will be the lack of white space for math problems. When preparing for the ACT, even if you are doing so with a paper practice exam, it will be important to complete your calculation work on a separate sheet of paper in order to simulate the actual testing conditions. You may be surprised by how much mental effort can be devoted to such a small change in routine.


  3. Essay revision will be simpler: Another significant change involves the written portion of the test — for those students who choose to take it. You will no longer have to plan your essay so meticulously in order to avoid major corrections.

  3. 作文修正簡略化:在ACT測驗中另外一個須要謄寫的主要部門便是作文寫作。你不消費盡心血地去防止湧現毛病。

  Instead of messily crossing out poorly worded or unnecessary paragraphs, students will be able to revise more quickly and neatly. As an added benefit, many students tend to type faster than they write, so they may have more time to plan and think – or to fervently rewrite problematic sections.


  4. No adaptive testing – yet: Adaptive testing is one major feature that is not currently in use. One of the potential benefits of the computer-based format is the ability to receive questions of differing difficulty during a session.

  4. 今朝沒有預考:很大的一個特點便是今朝沒有預考。機考情勢的一個長處便是可以再每個部門有分歧難度的題目。

  5. Same scoring: According to the ACT, scoring components of the computerized test will be equivalent to those of the paper-based exam. Your results will be reported in the same format and within the same time span. You will not receive your results any sooner by completing the computer-based exam.

  5. 分數雷同:ACT測驗劃定,機考的分數部門和書面測驗的分數是同樣的。分數情勢和評分尺度都是同樣的,時光也是同樣的。在完成測驗以前四看不到分數的。



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