
2014/12/26 瀏覽次數:4 收藏

【 abroad.hopetrip.com.hk - 消息資訊】美國留學:網校門生獎學金申請指南


  Some universities are starting to offer scholarships that are specific to online students or open to any enrolled student.


  For example, Pennsylvania State University—World Campus, the online arm of Penn State, offers multiple scholarships geared specifically for its distance students. UMass—Amherst’s University Without Walls offers multiple scholarships – like the Taylor Educational Opportunity Scholarship – ranging from $500 to $2,500 that are specifically geared toward online students.


  1. Shop around for schools that offer the best scholarships: While brick-and-mortar schools have to cap their class sizes based on their physical lecture hall space, online institutions aren’t as confined to those constraints.

  1. 比較幾所黌舍選出獎學金至多的:實體的黌舍受空間的影響課程人數會有限定,然則網上黌舍就沒有這些限定。

  "An online student is in a really strong position to be a savvy shopper," says Jason Baker, a professor of education and doctoral program chairman at Regent University. "It’s a different mindset, but students should shop for college the way we buy a car or a house. Negotiate with schools in hopes of waiving associated fees or reducing tuition. Pit one school against another in order to reduce costs."

  “網上門生能最有益地懂得情形,瑞金大學博士課程的主席兼教導學傳授Jason Baker說道, “這是一種分歧的心態,然則門生在比較黌舍的時刻要像咱們到市肆買車大概買房的辦法。跟黌舍協商免去相幹的用度大概縮減膏火。選出一所黌舍比其他黌舍前提好能削減用度開支。”

  2. Start early and follow up: It’s also important for students to ask when they should apply for a scholarship, and not wait until two weeks before school starts, says Keith Brender, Kaplan University’s interim dean of students. Once students receive scholarships, they should ask how to maintain them – if there is a minimum credit load or GPA requirement – so they will be eligible to receive them again, he says.

  2. 提早預備實時跟進:卡普蘭大學暫時主任Keith Brender說:“門生懂得獎學金申請的時光很主要,不要比及開學前兩個禮拜才去申請。”一旦門生獲得獎學金,要持續保持——假如有最小分數限定大概GPA請求,這要就可以再次申請到獎學金。

  3. Consider alternative sources: Online students shouldn’t forget to look for scholarships on the ground – and closer to home. Local businesses in their hometowns, current employers and faith-based organizations that might be willing to offer scholarships.

  3. 斟酌可調換的其他資本:網上的門生不要忘記了另有實體黌舍的獎學金可以申請——特殊是離家近的。在他們本地的貿易構造,在人員工和有目的的構造就樂意供給獎學金。

  Students should also be creative in how they search on the Internet. "You never know where you are going to find a scholarship," says Dale, who earned the prestigious U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, which granted her $5,000 to study postgenocide restoration and peace-building efforts in Rwanda and Uganda. "It’s always in the most random places."

  門生們在搜刮收集資本的時刻思惟要坦蕩,Dale說:“由於你不曉得你會在哪找到獎學金。”Dale得到過優良州立當局的Benjamin A. Gilman國際獎學金,包管了她在盧旺達和烏幹達研討種族滅盡後的規復重修。






