
2015/01/10 瀏覽次數:8 收藏

【 abroad.hopetrip.com.hk - 消息資訊】揭秘:就業遠景最佳的熱點專業


  Looking for an academic direction with terrific growth potential? Some traditional fields are newly hot at the bachelor's level; in other cases, enterprising colleges are creating new majors in emerging fields. Here are some hot majors you might want to consider.


  1. Biomedical engineering: The folks standing at the intersection of the life sciences, engineeringand medicine are working on such advances as an artificial kidney to help 2 million people worldwide give up their dependency on dialysis, and "designer" blood clots created from artificial platelets to save wounded soldiers on the battlefield.

  1. 生物醫學工程:在性命科學,工程和醫學範疇接壤事情的人控制著最先輩的技巧,如贊助全球兩百多萬走出透析的苦楚,開辟除人工腎,從血栓中制作出血小板救濟疆場上的傷兵。

  2. Biometrics: This field teaches students how to build automated identification devices, such as facial recognition systems. As biometric readers replace photo IDs and passwords in both the public and private sectors, the industry is expected to grow to $363 million by 2018, according to New York-based Transparency Market Research.

  2. 生物測定學:這一範疇教會門生若何構建主動分辯裝備,如人臉辨認體系。正如生物測定學用戶把照片ID和暗碼放到大眾大概私家範疇,依據紐約市場查詢拜訪,到2018年止這一行業要發明出363,000,000的收入。

  3. Forensic science: More experts are needed to operate the new, sophisticated tools to prevent and investigate crimes. Forensic science focuses on using technology to analyze evidence. Students should expect "tons of math and science, plus learning to interface with the criminal justice system," says Timothy Palmbach, chair of the forensic science department at the University of New Haven.

  3. 法律科學:許多專家都須要用最新最龐雜的對象去構造隔膜查詢拜訪犯法。法律科學誇大經由過程應用科學技巧去剖析證據,門生要具有“控制大批數學和理科常識,而且進修相幹的犯法法律系統,”紐海芬大學法律科學部的主席Timothy Palmbach說道。

  4. Computer game design: The global market for video and online games is expected to reach $82 billion by 2017, according to DFC Intelligence, a San Diego-based market research company.

  4. 電腦遊戲計劃:環球對視頻和網上遊戲的市場需在2017年答復道820億的收益。

  5. Cybersecurity: Large companies and governments are moving aggressively to protect their computer systems. Between 2014 and 2016, the Pentagon plans to add more than 4,000 experts at its Cyber Command. Specialists in cybersecurity can also expect to find openings in health care, energy and at security services firms.

  5. 收集平安:至公司和當局在盡力地掩護收集平安。在2014-2016年,五角大樓籌劃增長4000個專家到收集掌握中去。收集平安的專家們會在醫療,能源和平安辦事公司找到空白。

  6. Data science: The International Data Corp., a Massachusetts-based technology market research firm, says the global volume of computerized data is doubling every two years. This will help create some 4.4 million jobs worldwide by 2015, estimates Connecticut-based technology research firm Gartner Inc. Interested students should consider a major in data science or business analytics。

  6. 數據科學:國際數據公司,是馬塞諸色州一家技巧市場查詢拜訪的公司,聽說環球的電腦數據每兩年就翻一個倍。到2015年環球的事情機遇將會增長4400000個事情崗亭。

  7. Business analytics: While closely related to data science, business analytics is primarily a business major, says Kenneth Gilbert, head of the department of statistics, operations and management science at the University of Tennessee, which launched a degree program in 2010. Courses include computer software, math, statistics and communication skills.

  7. 貿易剖析:當談到數據科學的時刻,貿易剖析是密弗成分的一個重要構成部門,Kenneth Gibert說道,他是田納西大學數據運營及治理科學學院的院長,在2010年宣布了一項研討項目。課程包含軟件,數學,數據和交換技能。






