
2015/03/23 瀏覽次數:6 收藏

【 abroad.hopetrip.com.hk - 消息資訊】維吉尼亞大黌舍園內揮之不去的惱怒



  出國留學頻道訊 在喝酒文化過分出現的維吉尼亞大黌舍內,黑人學天生了警員無端存眷的目的,Johnson的案件讓種族輕視題目的評論辯論加倍白熱化,非洲裔門生開端團體抗議,號令保障黑人權力,黑人門生遭暴力乃至致命逮捕的征象還會再產生嗎?

  CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. — Chanting “black lives matter” and raising their fists, more than 100 African American students walked out of a meeting with law enforcement officials here Friday, as the University of Virginia community expressed growing frustration in the quest for answers about the violent arrest this week of a black student.


  The officers, with the state Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, took the 20-year-old into custody early Wednesday on misdemeanor charges of obstruction of justice and public intoxication after a bouncer refused to let him into Trinity Irish Pub. Images of Johnson went viral through social media and have rocked the prestigious 23,000-student public university. An ABC special agent described Johnson in court documents as “very agitated and belligerent” at the time of the arrest.

  警方在周三以妨害法律為由逮捕了一個20歲的黑人門生Johnson, 他被警員暴力看待的形象敏捷傳遍收集並在維吉尼亞大黌舍內引發了驚動。

  But the students who packed Friday’s meeting were irate. And many suggested that the case reflects a pattern of racial bias at U-Va. and elsewhere across the country. It came at a time of heightened awareness of racial profiling and amid widespread criticism of white officers interacting violently, or even lethally, with black men.


  Abenezer Eregetie, 20, a sophomore from Northern Virginia who is African American, attended the meeting but did not walk out with the others. He said the demonstration was “pretty bold. They needed to be bold.” Eregetie said the Johnson case has galvanized the campus to confront questions about racial bias. “The bloody face was what triggered all this,” he said. With underage drinking so prevalent in a college town, he said, “police should have better things to do, rather than going and picking on one black guy.”

  20歲的非洲裔大二門生Abenezer Ergetie沒能介入聚會會議遊行,但他認為這次抗議是“異常大膽的,他們須要大膽起來。”他以為Johnson的案件已讓黌舍直面種族輕視題目,校區的喝酒題目異常緊張,但警員最佳做出真正有用的辦法,不要成天就曉得隨意挑個黑人抓抓。



