
2015/03/21 瀏覽次數:4 收藏

【 abroad.hopetrip.com.hk - 消息資訊】3條發起:若何具有絕佳留學後果?




  Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience for students, exposing them to new places, customs and foods, as well as new ways of thinking. Regardless of where you are headed, there a few things you can do to help ensure you have a positive study abroad experience.


  Be in the Know Before You Go

  Before you travel, taking the time to familiarize yourself not only with the university where you will be studying, but also with the city will help make the transition upon arrival a little smoother. Moubayed advises international students coming to his institution to "make sure to learn about Lebanon ahead of time, including weather conditions, transportation systems, what facilities are provided in their residency, whether on or off campus, ​areas of attraction and leisure activities." He also suggests finding out whether the university you will be attending provides transportation to campus for international students, so that it can be arranged ahead of time.



  Be Aware of Visa Regulations and Laws

  Insurance and visa requirements vary according to citizenship and the country you are traveling to, so it is important to make sure you are aware of any special requirements. Moubayed advises students to check the website of the country they will be studying in and to "consult with the international student office to make sure that the visa application is properly completed and that deadlines are respected." Students from countries with political instability may face additional hurdles in the visa application process. "They are usually requested to submit additional documents, and their visas might be delayed," says Moubayed. "Therefore, they are usually advised to apply for the visa earlier." Moubayed also advises international students to register with the embassy of their home country.



  Get Involved in Campus Life

  At the University of Balamand, a "Dorms Club" offers services to familiarize students with the surrounding area, such as weekly shopping trips. After arriving, Moubayed recommends getting to know counselors and student affairs advisers and finding ways to become involved in campus life, whether it's through an international student group, sports, clubs, an on-campus job or even writing for the school newspaper.


  許多大學開端以一種新鮮的方法贊助遠道而來的外洋門生,像“Dorms Club”這個項目就供給贊助他們熟習四周情況的辦事,好比每周一次的購物之旅。在到黌舍後,Moubayed發起門生去熟習指點先生並多介入校園生存,好比去加入國際門生俱樂部、在黌舍提供應門生的崗亭上事情,給黌舍報社投稿等等。



