
2015/03/23 瀏覽次數:5 收藏

【 abroad.hopetrip.com.hk - 消息資訊】咱們沒必要畏懼先生家訪



  出國留學頻道訊 美國許多黌舍都誇大與家長相同的主要性,但是傳統的相同方法只限於手機大概家長會,但如今一些黌舍已開端采用家訪這類情勢。但是也有黌舍對這類情勢覺得擔心,家訪的後果真的好嗎?

  Dave Levin thought he was going to be fired from his Houston school the day he picked up a huge, unruly sixth-grader and dropped him in his seat. He had touched a kid. That was a big no-no. He felt so bad that he went to the boy’s small wood-frame home after school — another thing he had been told never to do — and apologized to the boy’s mother.

  Devin Levin認為本身會被休斯敦黌舍開除,由於他把一個不守規則的門生從坐位上拽起來然後在扔回坐位上,黌舍是絕對不許可先生如許做的。他感到很負疚,因而去了誰人門生的家和誰人孩子的媽媽報歉,而這也是他不被許可做的工作。

  To his surprise, the woman seemed pleased by his visit.

  “Listen,” she said, “you’re the first teacher that ever came to the house. Do whatever you have to do to my son. He doesn’t listen to me. Do whatever you have to do.”


  Meeting the mother caused the boy to behave a bit better. Levin and his friend Mike Feinberg, another teacher, began to do home visits regularly, making them part of the KIPP charter school network they founded. Two decades later, several other charters and even some regular public schools have begun to reject the traditional view that parent contacts should be confined to the phone or meetings at the school. The District’s new Family Engagement Partnership has just led to a $20,000 award for history and reading support teacher Kristen Whitaker, the catalyst behind more than 200 home visits by Columbia Heights Education Campus faculty this school year.


  Schools often say they are trying to involve parents, but that usually translates into stiff, arms-length gestures such as sending notes home or holding back-to-school nights. Whitaker and the other D.C. home-visiting teachers are trained and paid with funds from the D.C. public schools and the Flamboyan Foundation. Using a model developed by educators in Sacramento, the teachers visit in pairs after school or on weekends. They don’t do surprise visits. They don’t make assumptions about kids or parents. They don’t take notes. They listen more than talk. The idea is to visit every family.


  Very few other public schools are trying this. Principals say they fear what might happen to teachers visiting certain neighborhoods. Yet it appears, at least in the case of Whitaker and the other Columbia Heights teachers, that what the visitors find is nothing more than gratified parents willing to help them create better lives for their children.




